On Tue, 2009-08-25 at 11:17 +0200, Jeroen Elebaut wrote:
> Hey all,
> I hope this is the correct place to provide several patches for the
> network-manager. It seems the version included in ubuntu 9.04 is not
> working correctly with most option products (using hso driver). Attached
> are patches for two files. These were made against version
> 0.7.1~rc4.1.cf199a964. Please find below a short description of the
> contents of each patch. I tried to make the changes as simple and
> straightforward as possible, probably it's not the best way but you
> should get the idea and can make it better/cleaner if needed :) 
> If you have comments/suggestions/etc... please keep me in cc since I am
> not subscribed to this mailinglist.

Thanks again, applied this one (at long last :) to NM 0.7.x; the
0.8/modem-manager bits I'll get to in a bit;



> *nm-hal-manager.patch*
> -detection of network interface: At the moment the code assumes that the
> network interface and the serial interface are part of the same USB
> interface. This is only true for older products. For new products the
> serial and network interface are on separate USB interfaces. Modified it
> so it looks at the parent of the parent of the interface which should be
> the same.
> *nm-hso-gsm-device.patch*
> -authentication: When no username or password are provided the
> authentication fails. Also several products use an icera chipset and
> these need to use the command at_opdpp. Now it will first try the old
> method and if it fails try authentication with at_opdpp.
> -setting up connection: Products with icera chipsets print _OWANCALL: 1,
> 2 before _OWANCALL: 1, 1. Now code will wait for "_OWANCALL: 1, 1" or
> "_OWANCALL: 1,1" reply.
> Kind regards,
> Jeroen Elebaut 
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