Thanks again Tony

There is a kill hardware on/off switch for wireless on my machine which
I never noticed before. I have turned wireless on but still not working.

Have you tried re-booting after turning it on?

Strangely Ubuntu 9.04 was unaffected by this hardware switch. Wireless
worked out-of-the-box for 9.04! Why is there a wireless kill switch
anyhow? Seem odd that of all the chipsets on a motherboard wireless
would have its own user-accessible kill switch.

The wireless kill switch is present so that you can turn off the radio for power-saving or say if you're on an airplane.

That said, trying to explain why it worked in 9.04 and not in 9.10 is a long story...which I'm going to avoid trying to explain.

Again it also depends a lot on what hardware you have.

/tony wrote:
Hi Tony

Thanks for the info. Similar bugs have been reported to Ubuntu and
there oddly appears to be no fix yet.
That's because it's not a single bug.  First, there are many brands of
Wi-Fi cards each requiring different drivers.  This is then compounded
by the fact the various OEMs wire their platforms differently...  thus
operation of kill switches is dependent on Wi-Fi driver + platform ( and
possibly platform driver ).

When you report a bug using "ubuntu-bug", information is gathered from
your particular machine which can help developers determine your
particular problem.

"rfkill list" tells me that wireless LAN is hard blocked. Do you
know how to unblock?
Hard-blocked means that a hardware kill switch has been enabled.  You
should check to see if there's an obvious kill switch that you can
disable on your machine.  If not, then it's probably an issue with the
Wi-Fi driver and/or platform driver.

With respect to the HW kill switch, you might want to check the OEM's
manual for your specific model.

Hope this helps!


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