Em 9 de janeiro de 2011 14:12, mike cloaked <mike.cloa...@gmail.com>escreveu:

> By the way in this case both signals are virtually noise free,. and
> indeed there are no neighbours using the same channels - (I checked
> over a period doing a wireless site survey both before the test and
> during the test)
In fact, if you're using the second AP as a wireless repeater, you don't
have a noise free channel. Consider use a UTP cable to link the APs.

Assure yourself that the APs are configure to work on different channels
with >=5 channels of isolation. This restraint makes the only usable
channels be *1*, *6*, and *11*. Don't use any other channel in the presence
of other wireless sources.

Check also that both APs are using the same cripto configs.
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