i'm newbie of Network manager, so sorry for any errors.

I'm an Debian User. I've downloaded and conpiled Networkmanager-0.9.0 with
ModemManager 0.5 and NetworkManager-openvpn-0.9.0 plugin.
Network manager work fine. I'm able with my custom python script to use
ethernet and gsm at modem.

My problem is when i try to start Openvpn (using NM) throught ethernet
I continuosly see into NM logs:

Oct 28 17:16:46 sheevaplug-debian NetworkManager[2327]: <info> Starting VPN
service 'openvpn'...
Oct 28 17:16:46 sheevaplug-debian NetworkManager[2327]: <info> VPN service
'openvpn' started (org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn), PID 2416
tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6
tun: (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky <m...@qualcomm.com>
Oct 28 17:16:47 sheevaplug-debian NetworkManager[2327]: <info> VPN service
'openvpn' appeared; activating connections
Oct 28 17:16:47 sheevaplug-debian NetworkManager[2327]: <info> VPN plugin
state changed: 1
*Oct 28 17:16:47 sheevaplug-debian NetworkManager[2327]: <error>
[1319822207.127668] [nm-vpn-connection.c:823] plugin_need_secrets_cb():
(355653c0-34d3-4777-ad25-f9a498b7ef8e/VPNconnection) plugin NeedSecret.*
Oct 28 17:16:47 sheevaplug-debian NetworkManager[2327]: <info> Policy set
'MyConnection' (eth0) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS.
Oct 28 17:16:52 sheevaplug-debian NetworkManager[2327]: <info> VPN service
'openvpn' disappeared

I've added at_console user permission into config file of d-bus...but i'm
not able to solve it.

Please can someone hel me please??

*Francesco Andrisani*
*Acotel Spa*
Via della Valle dei Fontanili, 29
00168 Roma
Tel +390661141200
Fax +39066149936

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