On Thu, 2011-11-03 at 10:26 +0100, Francesco Andrisani wrote:
> Anothe DEBUG info:
> debian:/etc/NetworkManager# /usr/libexec/nm-openvpn-service --debug
> ** Message: nm-openvpn-service (version 0.9.0) starting...
> ** Message: real_need_secrets: connection
> -------------------------------------
> connection
>     name : "connection"
>     id : "VPNconnection" (s)
>     uuid : "355653c0-34d3-4777-ad25-f9a498b7ef8e" (s)
>     type : "vpn" (s)
>     permissions : [] (sd)
>     autoconnect : FALSE (s)
>     timestamp : 0 (sd)
>     read-only : FALSE (sd)
> ipv4
>     name : "ipv4"
>     method : "auto" (s)
>     dns : [] (s)
>     dns-search : [] (sd)
>     addresses : [] (s)
>     routes : [] (s)
>     ignore-auto-routes : FALSE (sd)
>     ignore-auto-dns : FALSE (sd)
>     dhcp-client-id : NULL (sd)
>     dhcp-send-hostname : TRUE (sd)
>     dhcp-hostname : NULL (sd)
>     never-default : FALSE (sd)
>     may-fail : FALSE (sd)
> ipv6
>     name : "ipv6"
>     method : "ignore" (s)
>     dns : [] (s)
>     dns-search : [] (sd)
>     addresses : [] (s)
>     routes : [] (s)
>     ignore-auto-routes : FALSE (sd)
>     ignore-auto-dns : FALSE (sd)
>     never-default : FALSE (sd)
>     may-fail : TRUE (sd)
> vpn
>     name : "vpn"
>     service-type : "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn" (s)
>     user-name : NULL (sd)
>     data : [ { 'name': openvpn }, ] (s)
>     secrets : [ ] (s)

So here's the problem; the [vpn] setting isn't completely specified.
Did you import this connection from an openvpn config file?  Unless this
was changed at some point (or there's a bug in the editor) this
connection was never valid since it doesn't have the required connection
type field and a few other things.  Here's what it *should* look like:


or something along those lines.  If you imported it from a config file,
can you try doing that again?  If it still looks like this, can you send
me the config file so I can see what's going wrong?


> Regards
> On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 10:12 AM, Francesco Andrisani
> <francesco.andris...@acotel.com> wrote:
>         OK.
>         So i've installed openvpn client on my workstation with
>         certificate authentication and...it work fine.
>         About NetworkManager-openvpn i've installed (from sources)
>         0.9.0 version, the same of NetworkManager (it also installed
>         from sources).
>         A clarification...i use the system without X server (no gnome,
>         no kde).
>         Below my NetworkManager and NetworkManager-openvpn
>         configuration files. 
>         debian:/etc/NetworkManager# cat
>         system-connections/VPNconnection 
>         [connection]
>         id=VPNconnection
>         uuid=355653c0-34d3-4777-ad25-f9a498b7ef8e
>         type=vpn
>         autoconnect=FALSE
>         [ipv4]
>         method=auto
>         [vpn]
>         name=openvpn
>         service-type=org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn
>         [ipv6]
>         method=ignore
>         I've no secrets specified here, Is it correct? I've no
>         password for start opevpn client manually. Only certificate
>         authentication.
>         debian:/etc/NetworkManager# cat VPN/nm-openvpn-service.name 
>         [VPN Connection]
>         name=openvpn
>         service=org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn
>         program=/usr/libexec/nm-openvpn-service
>         Regards
>         On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 2:25 AM, Dan Williams <d...@redhat.com>
>         wrote:
>                 On Wed, 2011-11-02 at 10:21 +0100, Francesco Andrisani
>                 wrote:
>                 > (355653c0-34d3-4777-ad25-f9a498b7ef8e/VPNconnection)
>                 plugin
>                 > NeedSecrets
>                 > request #1 failed: dbus-glib-error-quark Invalid
>                 connection type.
>                 This part is the problem.  Any chance you could paste
>                 in your vpn
>                 connection file
>                 from /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections for us to
>                 look at?  Remove any passwords and XXXX out any
>                 sensitive information
>                 before doing so.
>                 Any idea what version of NetworkManager-openvpn you've
>                 got installed?
>                 Dan
>         -- 
>         ____________________________________________________
>         Francesco Andrisani
>         mailto:francesco.andris...@acotel.com
>         Acotel Spa
>         http://www.acotel.com
>         Via della Valle dei Fontanili, 29
>         00168 Roma
>         Tel +390661141200
>         Fax +39066149936
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> -- 
> ____________________________________________________
> Francesco Andrisani
> mailto:francesco.andris...@acotel.com
> Acotel Spa
> http://www.acotel.com
> Via della Valle dei Fontanili, 29
> 00168 Roma
> Tel +390661141200
> Fax +39066149936
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