On 01/05/13 22:36, Aleksander Morgado wrote:
>>> Would a transition from 'registered' to 'idle'/'searching' considered a
>>> 'service' loss from the connection manager's perspective (e.g. the service
>>> disappears and then reappears in connection manager)?  In practice,  a
>>> +CEREG change may not necessarily mean that the service disappears. But I
>>> guess such a glitch can be smoothed out in the connection manager layer
>>> instead of the modem manager layer. I'm happy to update the logic as
>>> suggested if that's the expected behavior.
>> Idle might be, searching probably wouldn't be.  For Searching I think we
>> wanted to do the 15 or 30 second timer thing and only terminate if the
>> modem didn't reacquire the network within that window?  If the device is
>> 'idle' though, I'm pretty sure you're hosed and we should shut the
>> packet data connection down.  If the device is 'idle', then it's not
>> looking for a network, and it's not registered, so you have nothing.
> I'm fine with the 15s timeout when we are connected; but when not
> connected, a change from registered to either idle or searching should
> probably get notified in the DBus interface, that's the change I'm
> suggesting.

Thinking it twice, what I think we should have is the following:

 *  3GPP registration changes are notified always *right away* (no
timeout) in the 3GPP DBus interface ("RegistrationState" property),
regardless of whether we are connected or not.
 *  Same for 3GPP2: CDMA1x and EV-DO registration changes are notified
always *right away* (no timeout) in the CDMA DBus interface
("Cdma1xRegistrationState" and "EvdoRegistrationState" properties),
regardless of whether we are connected or not.
 * The 15s timeout to report unregistered should be set up only when the
modem is connected; and the logic should be applied in the Modem
interface, and only for the "State" property (so applicable to both 3GPP
and 3GPP2).

Some example cases:
 1) If the modem *is not* connected and we get a 3GPP registration
3GPP interface is updated right away, and the "State" property in the
Modem interface is also updated (Registered->Searching) right away.

 2) If the modem *is* connected and we get a 3GPP registration update
3GPP interface is updated right away, _but_ for the "State" property in
the Modem interface we wait up to 15s before updating it
(Connected->Disconnecting->Searching), in case we get a new registration
state update back to HOME.

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