
I installed kubuntu 13.10 tonight, and was trying to connect my vpn to work, but it seems that it won't start without having a managed ethernet adapter. Because of using likewise-open and kerberos for AD auth on login, I have to force the interface to dhcp as soon as the OS comes up, thus it's non-NM managed.

Is there a way to get it to bypass this? The error I get is this, I'm at least interpreting this missing "source connection" as that since NM's plasma widget shows "disconnected" when wired to the lan.

Jan 4 20:00:00 host NetworkManager[1347]: <warn> connect /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/2 failed to activate: (0) Could not find source connection

I haven't see this issue on my current laptop using the gtk widget on 13.10 for cvpn connections.


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