On Sat, 2015-09-12 at 19:56 +0200, Xen wrote:

> ==============================
> Requesting OpenVPN listens at port 1194 for the management console
> might 
> not be the most rad choice as a user may want to use that port for 
> tunneling to a remote OpenVPN server. So you get a conflict between
> the 
> tunnel listening socket and OpenVPN opening a port there to receive 
> commands. It seems wrong to use the same port number for both. Right
> now 
> I'm having to put my tunnel at 1193 (for example) just so OpenVPN 
> (nonconfigurable? --) runs at 1194. This is a parameter choice of NM:
> --management 1194

1194 is the default port where Openvpn listens for VPN traffic. It has
nothing to do with the --management port.
While openvpn allows --management to use tcp, nm-openvpn uses a unix
domain socket:

  --mangement /run/NetworkManager/nm-openvpn-UUID unix

Especially, it does not use 1194 port.


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