On Wed, 2017-11-08 at 13:40 +0100, Iñigo Martínez wrote:
> Hi all,
> These past few months I have been porting some libraries and
> applications to meson build system[0], within the "MesonPorting"
> initiative[1] that tries to port packages under GNOME umbrella to
> meson.
> As you may know, meson is a new build system which offers some
> benefits over autotools, of which I would like to highlight the
> following: it's very user friendly and usually, faster.
> The fact that NetworkManager is quite large, and due to the effort it
> would require to port it to meson, I would like to know if including
> meson as build system could be interesting.
> Please let me know any comment or suggestion you may have.
> Thanks!
> [0] http://mesonbuild.com/
> [1] https://wiki.gnome.org/Initiatives/GnomeGoals/MesonPorting


it seems that meson could significantly speed up the build,
which would be a very interesting thing to have.

Yes, we want to port to meson, but due to the amount of work, nobody
started doing that (yet).

Patches very welcome!


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