On Fri, 11 May 2001, Bill Stoddard wrote:

> > Hi all,
> >
> > There has been some discussion on the proxy list about a patch that
> > allows request and response headers to be modified based on config
> > directives for proxy requests.
> >
> > Ideally though, header fiddling should be done in mod_headers and be
> > available to all of Apache, not just the proxy.
> >
> > Would anyone mind if I started hacking at mod_headers for a bit? What
> > I'd like to do is turn it into a filter, and allow it to fiddle with
> > both incoming and outgoing headers
> YES! I had this on my todo list as well and will gladly review whatever you
> come up with. The specific case I was interested in is adding headers
> containg timestamp info. to responses.  I would like to add a timestamp
> header recording when the request was received and another timestamp (either
> append to the existing header or on a new header) just at the point when the
> response is actually being sent on the wire.  An instrumented client could
> use this info to help pinpoint end-to-end performance problems.  Would also
> be cool to enable passing format strings on a header directive (like
> mod_log_config).

YES - same here. Let me know what help you need.


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