On Sat, 14 Jul 2001, Aaron Bannert wrote:

> > Async cancellation of threads is VERY bad ju-ju.  We don't do it because
> > it causes most, if not all, thread libraries to leak.  The cleanups are
> > called because the child pool is destroyed when all the threads die.
> Right, but we're about to kill the processes anyway, so who cares if
> it leaks on some platforms. Anyway, we're writing to a specification,

That's not true.  In ONE MPM we are about to die.  APR does not support
async cancellation of threads, because platforms don't support it in

> not an implementation. If Apache isn't going to encourage OS vendors to
> properly implement their own APIs, who is?

When it is safe to cancel threads on all platforms, and it can be
implemented in APR without causing huge memory leaks, then we can add
support to APR for async thread cancellation.  Since those requirements
aren't met today, this conversation is a non-starter.

> Anyway, to me this is what pools were designed for.

No, pools only help with memory allocated by the application.  The memory
leaks we would be hitting would most often be in the kernel.


Ryan Bloom                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Covalent Technologies                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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