Goodday All,
Please I pray and hope anyone and I mean anyone can end up helping me resolve my problem.
Do take time to read this, cause it's littered with a newbie request structure.
I just acquired my Mandrake 6.1, having dumped my old Slackware 2.0 version.  Hoping that the device configuration problem I had
with my slackware would have been corrected, and the manufacturers helped out in supplying all necessary tools to support this wonderful operating system.
Before I get carried away, my problem is this.
1. I can't seem to be able to configure my sound card to work with my motherboard(System Specifications at end), I am using a
    CM8738 Sound Card, which, ChenLi Tien, designed the driver that should work with the Linux Box, but I have compiled the
    kernel and reinstalled, yet, everything is the same, a probe with cat /dev/sndstart, produces the error "No such directory", which
    from the documentation states that the device is not in the kernel or is not installed.
    I have followed all the steps to recompile the kernel, still I am getting nowhere, I don't know if I am doin something wrong, If I am,     please let someone take his/her time to clearly outline the steps again not missing a pin, I would be most grateful.
2. I can't get my modem to work too.  As described by the ChenLi Tien CM8738 driver, I am supposed to compile the "pctel.o"
    module, that, I can't find anywhere, I have gone to websites to attempt downloading the file but to no avail, and it isnt included in
    my distribution or the device driver accompanying the motherboard.
I really need HELP!, as i can't even browse the net, I have battled with this for a week and in my last desperate attempt, gone to a
cyber cafe, paid their exhorbitant amount to send this SOS, anyone who has enough knowledge as to my problem or has my same
system specification should please give me a detailed account as to how he/she setup all the devices.  I really am down, and need serious assistance urgently.
I have completely tried every IRQ and I/O port I can lay my hands on but with no success.
Of course, I know the last option maybe to by a Sound Blaster for the sound fix and an external modem and an extra com port for it, but till then I hope someone out there has the solution.
Thank you
Here are my System Specs.
Thanks again.
Please remember to be detailed in your explanation steps as it will help a great deal in eliminating problems.

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