Io ho la versione Mandrake 8.1. In questa il modem viene già 
riconosciuto e basta copiare il file mgmt.o su una directory opportuna. 
Il file mgmt.o lo si scarica dal sito alcatel.
Se hai l'8.0 ho visto che ci sono due rpm sul sito mandrake 

> Ho scaricato da rete dei file spacciati per driver linux del modem ADS
L Speed Touch USB dal sito dell'Alcatel;
> Sbirciati dentro da Windows i primi due parlano di diritti di copiatur
a, il terzo sono le istruzioni di installazione (che vi riporto di segui
to) il quarto e il quinto sono di vere e proprie istruzioni.
> Trasferiti su Linux il quarto ha il simboletto di un ingranaggio (non 
so ancora cosa significhi) e il quinto ha il simboletto forse di una pag
ina (?!?).
> Qualcuno sa spiegarmi in modo un po' meno complicato come devo procede
re ?
> faccio seguire le istruzioni (a mio avviso troppo laboriose) dell'Alca
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Alcatel SpeedTouch USB Driver Kernel Module
> 1. Introduction
> This package contains the kernel module part of the 
> Alcatel SpeedTouch USB driver. You will also need the management appli
> (the Management Application can be found at
> This pacakge is distributed under the GPL, see COPYING and COPYING.GPL
 for extra info.
> 2. Kernel Configuration
> This driver is only supported on kernel 2.4.1 and higher.
> You will need to install this kernel with the following options enable
> -
 Code maturity level options / Prompt for development and/or incomplete 
> - USB support / Support for USB
> - USB support / Preliminary USB device filesystem
> - Networking options / Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) (EXPERIMENTAL)
> The first option is necessary to be able to enable ATM.
> When you upgrade your kernel, do not forget to upgrade your modutils! 
> (You will need version 2.4.2 or newer)
> The modutils package can be found at:
> 3. Compiling the module
> You will need SARLib-0.2.1 to compile this module.
> You can download this library at:
> Extract the SARLib in the same directory as this package.
> Make sure your new 2.4.1+ kernel is in /usr/src/linux/
> If it is not the case, you can also modify the path in the Makefile
> Then type:
>   make
> then become root and type:
>   make install
> To be able to use this driver, you will have to install more than thes
e two 
> packages. After installation of this package (and plugging in the mode
m) your
> system will feature an ATM device.
> You will need to install PPPoA or PPPoE separately.
> 4. PPPoE
> Installing PPPoE is the easiest.
> First, install rfc 2684 Bridged ethernet support. This will allow you 
to do
> Ethernet over ATM.
> You can download this software from 
> Follow the instructions on this site. (the TUTORIAL file)
> If you want this to be included in your startup you can add the approp
> line in the /etc/hotplug/usb/speedtouch file after the startup of the
> management application.
> When you have your bridging ethernet interface (nas0) you can install 
> PPPoE client. For example, I used roaring penguin PPPoE. 
> The version 2.8 supports kernel-level PPPoE support too. (see webpage)
> Do not forget to provide 'nas0' as interface name to the rp-
pppoe config.
> 5. PPPoA
> This is more complex. Save for installing a kernel patch, you will als
o have
> to download the pppd source and patch that. For more information on th
> see:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ringrazio e saluto
> Marco

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