Ciao a tutti,
scusate l'OT, ma siete l'unici che conosco che sappiano leggere i
risultati di una compilazione.

Stavo tentando di compilare Lame sotto WinME seguendo le istruzioni
indicate in "README.B32" (consigliato dal file "README" in quanto come
compilatore ho "Borland C++ compiler" versione freeware). Secondo le
istruzioni, il comando da eseguire e' "make -fmakefile.b32" (senza
virgolette, dalla cartella dove si trova il codice sorgente di Lame e
assumendo che che il percorso di "make" sia nel "PATH" [ed e' il mio
caso]). Purtroppo non funziona. Allego il file con i messaggi di errore.

Ho provato sia con la versione (di Lame) 3.93.1 che la 3.93 (il file
allegato si riferisce alla 3.93.1 in quanto, con la 3.93, quando cercavo
di eseguire il comando reindirizzando l'output in un file txt
["make -fmakefile.b32>risultato.txt"], mi veniva detto che il comando e'
errato [malgrado abbia usato lo stesso comando con la 3.93.1]).

Se non volete rispondere in lista (comprensibile visto che e' OT),
potreste rispondermi in privato.

Grazie in anticipo.

Di Fresco Marco
ICQ #51985192

| Spock (Court Martial - TOS): If I let go a hammer on a planet having a
| positive gravity, I need not see it fall to know that it has, in fact,
| fallen.                                                                              
|            |
MAKE Version 5.2  Copyright (c) 1987, 2000 Borland
Error E2209 libmp3lame/bitstream.c 29: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/bitstream.c 30: Unable to open include file 'assert.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/bitstream.c 31: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2139 libmp3lame/tables.h 55: Declaration missing ;
Error E2238 libmp3lame/tables.h 57: Multiple declaration for 'size_t'
Error E2344 libmp3lame/tables.h 55: Earlier declaration of 'size_t'
Error E2139 libmp3lame/tables.h 57: Declaration missing ;
Error E2238 libmp3lame/tables.h 59: Multiple declaration for 'size_t'
Error E2344 libmp3lame/tables.h 55: Earlier declaration of 'size_t'
Error E2139 libmp3lame/tables.h 59: Declaration missing ;
Error E2238 libmp3lame/tables.h 61: Multiple declaration for 'size_t'
Error E2344 libmp3lame/tables.h 55: Earlier declaration of 'size_t'
Error E2139 libmp3lame/tables.h 61: Declaration missing ;
Error E2228 libmp3lame/tables.h 61: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 libmp3lame/encoder.c 28: Unable to open include file 'assert.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 146: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 147: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 148: Type name expected
Error E2453 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 149: Size of the type 'struct' is unknown 
or zero
Error E2139 libmp3lame/util.h 160: Declaration missing ;
Error E2303 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Type name expected
Error E2228 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 libmp3lame/fft.c 40: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 146: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 147: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 148: Type name expected
Error E2453 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 149: Size of the type 'struct' is unknown 
or zero
Error E2139 libmp3lame/util.h 160: Declaration missing ;
Error E2303 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Type name expected
Error E2228 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 libmp3lame/id3tag.c 38: Unable to open include file 'stddef.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/id3tag.c 39: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/id3tag.c 40: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 146: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 147: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 148: Type name expected
Error E2453 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 149: Size of the type 'struct' is unknown 
or zero
Error E2228 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 149: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 libmp3lame/lame.c 30: Unable to open include file 'assert.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 146: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 147: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 148: Type name expected
Error E2453 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 149: Size of the type 'struct' is unknown 
or zero
Error E2139 libmp3lame/util.h 160: Declaration missing ;
Error E2303 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Type name expected
Error E2228 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 146: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 147: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 148: Type name expected
Error E2453 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 149: Size of the type 'struct' is unknown 
or zero
Error E2139 libmp3lame/util.h 160: Declaration missing ;
Error E2303 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/util.h 314: Type name expected
Error E2228 libmp3lame/util.h 314: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 146: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 147: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 148: Type name expected
Error E2453 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 149: Size of the type 'struct' is unknown 
or zero
Error E2139 libmp3lame/util.h 160: Declaration missing ;
Error E2303 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/util.h 314: Type name expected
Error E2228 libmp3lame/util.h 314: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 libmp3lame/quantize.c 28: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/quantize.c 29: Unable to open include file 'assert.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 146: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 147: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 148: Type name expected
Error E2453 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 149: Size of the type 'struct' is unknown 
or zero
Error E2139 libmp3lame/util.h 160: Declaration missing ;
Error E2228 libmp3lame/util.h 160: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 libmp3lame/quantize_pvt.c 27: Unable to open include file 'assert.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 146: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 147: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 148: Type name expected
Error E2453 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 149: Size of the type 'struct' is unknown 
or zero
Error E2139 libmp3lame/util.h 160: Declaration missing ;
Error E2303 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Type name expected
Error E2228 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 libmp3lame/set_get.c 29: Unable to open include file 'assert.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 146: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 147: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 148: Type name expected
Error E2453 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 149: Size of the type 'struct' is unknown 
or zero
Error E2139 libmp3lame/util.h 160: Declaration missing ;
Error E2303 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Type name expected
Error E2228 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 libmp3lame/vbrquantize.c 28: Unable to open include file 'assert.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 146: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 147: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 148: Type name expected
Error E2453 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 149: Size of the type 'struct' is unknown 
or zero
Error E2139 libmp3lame/util.h 160: Declaration missing ;
Error E2303 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Type name expected
Error E2228 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 libmp3lame/reservoir.c 28: Unable to open include file 'assert.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 146: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 147: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 148: Type name expected
Error E2453 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 149: Size of the type 'struct' is unknown 
or zero
Error E2139 libmp3lame/util.h 160: Declaration missing ;
Error E2303 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Type name expected
Error E2228 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 146: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 147: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 148: Type name expected
Error E2453 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 149: Size of the type 'struct' is unknown 
or zero
Error E2139 libmp3lame/util.h 160: Declaration missing ;
Error E2303 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/util.h 314: Type name expected
Error E2228 libmp3lame/util.h 314: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 libmp3lame/takehiro.c 28: Unable to open include file 'assert.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 146: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 147: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 148: Type name expected
Error E2453 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 149: Size of the type 'struct' is unknown 
or zero
Error E2139 libmp3lame/util.h 160: Declaration missing ;
Error E2303 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Type name expected
Error E2228 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 146: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 147: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 148: Type name expected
Error E2453 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 149: Size of the type 'struct' is unknown 
or zero
Error E2139 libmp3lame/util.h 160: Declaration missing ;
Error E2303 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/util.h 314: Type name expected
Error E2228 libmp3lame/util.h 314: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 libmp3lame/mpglib_interface.c 9: Unable to open include file 'limits.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/mpglib_interface.c 10: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/mpglib_interface.c 11: Unable to open include file 'assert.h'
Error E2209 mpglib\mpg123.h 4: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 mpglib\mpg123.h 7: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 mpglib\mpg123.h 20: Unable to open include file 'signal.h'
Error E2209 mpglib\mpg123.h 26: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2228 include\lame.h 784: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame/machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame/machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2209 libmp3lame/VbrTag.c 32: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 146: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 147: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 148: Type name expected
Error E2453 libmp3lame/lame_global_flags.h 149: Size of the type 'struct' is unknown 
or zero
Error E2139 libmp3lame/util.h 160: Declaration missing ;
Error E2303 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Type name expected
Error E2228 libmp3lame/util.h 313: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 libmp3lame/version.c 39: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
*** 7 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 mpglib/common.c 7: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/common.c 8: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/common.c 9: Unable to open include file 'signal.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/common.c 12: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/common.c 19: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/common.c 20: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 4: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 7: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 20: Unable to open include file 'signal.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 26: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame\machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame\machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2228 include\lame.h 253: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 4: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 7: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 20: Unable to open include file 'signal.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 26: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame\machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame\machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
*** 22 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 mpglib/decode_i386.c 20: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/decode_i386.c 21: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/decode_i386.c 37: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 4: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 7: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 20: Unable to open include file 'signal.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 26: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame\machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame\machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2228 include\lame.h 784: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 mpglib/layer3.c 14: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 4: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 7: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 20: Unable to open include file 'signal.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 26: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame\machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame\machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2451 mpglib/layer3.c 348: Undefined symbol 'stderr' in function 
Error E2451 mpglib/layer3.c 355: Undefined symbol 'NULL' in function 
Error E2228 mpglib/layer3.c 355: Too many error or warning messages in function 
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 mpglib/tabinit.c 7: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 4: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 7: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 20: Unable to open include file 'signal.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 26: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
*** 5 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 mpglib/interface.c 7: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/interface.c 8: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 4: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 7: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 20: Unable to open include file 'signal.h'
Error E2209 mpglib/mpg123.h 26: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 25: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 28: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 29: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 45: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 48: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 51: Unable to open include file 'errno.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 54: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 61: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 62: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 libmp3lame\machine.h 114: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2257 libmp3lame\machine.h 158: , expected
Error E2257 libmp3lame\machine.h 159: , expected
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2303 libmp3lame\VbrTag.h 84: Type name expected
Error E2228 libmp3lame\VbrTag.h 84: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
        del libmp3lame\libmp3lame.lib
        tlib /a libmp3lame\libmp3lame.lib libmp3lame\bitstream.obj   
libmp3lame\encoder.obj   libmp3lame\fft.obj   libmp3lame\id3tag.obj   
libmp3lame\lame.obj   libmp3lame\newmdct.obj   libmp3lame\psymodel.obj   
libmp3lame\quantize.obj   libmp3lame\quantize_pvt.obj   libmp3lame\set_get.obj   
libmp3lame\vbrquantize.obj   libmp3lame\reservoir.obj   libmp3lame\tables.obj   
libmp3lame\takehiro.obj   libmp3lame\util.obj   libmp3lame\vorbis_interface.obj   
libmp3lame\mpglib_interface.obj   libmp3lame\VbrTag.obj   libmp3lame\version.obj   
mpglib\common.obj   mpglib\dct64_i386.obj   mpglib\decode_i386.obj   mpglib\layer1.obj 
  mpglib\layer2.obj   mpglib\layer3.obj   mpglib\tabinit.obj   mpglib\interface.obj 
libmp3lame\i386\cpu_feat.obj   libmp3lame\i386\scalar.obj   
libmp3lame\i386\choose_table.obj   libmp3lame\i386\fft3dn.obj
TLIB 4.5 Copyright (c) 1987, 1999 Inprise Corporation
Warning: 'libmp3lame\bitstream.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\encoder.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\fft.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\id3tag.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\lame.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\newmdct.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\psymodel.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\quantize.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\quantize_pvt.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\set_get.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\vbrquantize.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\reservoir.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\tables.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\takehiro.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\util.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\mpglib_interface.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\VbrTag.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\version.obj' file not found
Warning: 'mpglib\common.obj' file not found
Warning: 'mpglib\dct64_i386.obj' file not found
Warning: 'mpglib\decode_i386.obj' file not found
Warning: 'mpglib\layer3.obj' file not found
Warning: 'mpglib\tabinit.obj' file not found
Warning: 'mpglib\interface.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\i386\cpu_feat.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\i386\scalar.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\i386\choose_table.obj' file not found
Warning: 'libmp3lame\i386\fft3dn.obj' file not found
Error E2209 frontend/brhist.c 41: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 frontend/brhist.c 42: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 frontend/brhist.h 26: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2139 frontend/brhist.h 36: Declaration missing ;
Error E2238 frontend/brhist.h 37: Multiple declaration for 'FILE'
Error E2344 frontend/brhist.h 36: Earlier declaration of 'FILE'
Error E2139 frontend/brhist.h 37: Declaration missing ;
Error E2238 frontend/brhist.h 38: Multiple declaration for 'FILE'
Error E2344 frontend/brhist.h 36: Earlier declaration of 'FILE'
Error E2139 frontend/brhist.h 38: Declaration missing ;
Error E2139 frontend/brhist.h 40: Declaration missing ;
Error E2451 frontend/brhist.c 112: Undefined symbol 'Console_fp' in function 
Error E2451 frontend/brhist.c 112: Undefined symbol 'stderr' in function brhist_init
Error E2451 frontend/brhist.c 113: Undefined symbol 'Error_fp' in function brhist_init
Error E2451 frontend/brhist.c 114: Undefined symbol 'Report_fp' in function brhist_init
Error E2451 frontend/brhist.c 116: Undefined symbol 'Console_fp' in function 
Error E2451 frontend/brhist.c 116: Undefined symbol '_IOFBF' in function brhist_init
Error E2451 frontend/brhist.c 120: Undefined symbol 'Console_Handle' in function 
Error E2451 frontend/brhist.c 120: Undefined symbol 'STD_ERROR_HANDLE' in function 
Error E2228 frontend/brhist.c 120: Too many error or warning messages in function 
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 frontend/get_audio.c 29: Unable to open include file 'assert.h'
Error E2209 frontend/get_audio.c 32: Unable to open include file 'limits.h'
Error E2209 frontend/get_audio.c 35: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 frontend/get_audio.c 38: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 frontend/get_audio.c 39: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 frontend/get_audio.c 56: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 frontend/get_audio.c 57: Unable to open include file 'sys/stat.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2209 frontend/get_audio.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2141 frontend/get_audio.h 42: Declaration syntax error
Error E2147 frontend/get_audio.h 47: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2303 frontend/get_audio.h 62: Type name expected
Error E2209 frontend/portableio.h 79: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 87: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 88: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 89: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 90: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 91: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 92: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 93: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2228 frontend/portableio.h 93: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 frontend/lametime.c 41: Unable to open include file 'assert.h'
Error E2209 frontend/lametime.c 42: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 frontend/lametime.c 43: Unable to open include file 'time.h'
Error E2209 frontend/lametime.h 25: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2147 frontend/lametime.h 31: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2141 frontend/lametime.h 32: Declaration syntax error
Error E2451 frontend/lametime.c 54: Undefined symbol 'clock_t' in function GetCPUTime
Error E2379 frontend/lametime.c 54: Statement missing ; in function GetCPUTime
Error E2451 frontend/lametime.c 57: Undefined symbol 't' in function GetCPUTime
Error E2451 frontend/lametime.c 67: Undefined symbol 'CLOCKS_PER_SEC' in function 
Error E2451 frontend/lametime.c 112: Undefined symbol 'time_t' in function GetRealTime
Error E2379 frontend/lametime.c 112: Statement missing ; in function GetRealTime
Error E2451 frontend/lametime.c 114: Undefined symbol 't' in function GetRealTime
Error E2451 frontend/lametime.c 114: Undefined symbol 'NULL' in function GetRealTime
Error E2209 frontend/lametime.c 122: Unable to open include file 'io.h'
Error E2209 frontend/lametime.c 123: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2147 frontend/lametime.c 128: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2451 frontend/lametime.c 133: Undefined symbol 'O_BINARY' in function 
Error E2209 frontend/lametime.c 147: Unable to open include file 'sys/types.h'
Error E2228 frontend/lametime.c 147: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 frontend/parse.c 28: Unable to open include file 'assert.h'
Error E2209 frontend/parse.c 29: Unable to open include file 'ctype.h'
Error E2209 frontend/parse.c 32: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 frontend/parse.c 33: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2209 frontend/brhist.h 26: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2139 frontend/brhist.h 36: Declaration missing ;
Error E2238 frontend/brhist.h 37: Multiple declaration for 'FILE'
Error E2344 frontend/brhist.h 36: Earlier declaration of 'FILE'
Error E2139 frontend/brhist.h 37: Declaration missing ;
Error E2238 frontend/brhist.h 38: Multiple declaration for 'FILE'
Error E2344 frontend/brhist.h 36: Earlier declaration of 'FILE'
Error E2139 frontend/brhist.h 38: Declaration missing ;
Error E2139 frontend/brhist.h 40: Declaration missing ;
Error E2303 frontend/parse.h 2: Type name expected
Error E2303 frontend/parse.h 3: Type name expected
Error E2303 frontend/parse.h 4: Type name expected
Error E2303 frontend/parse.h 5: Type name expected
Error E2147 frontend/parse.h 6: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2209 frontend/get_audio.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2228 frontend/get_audio.h 26: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 frontend/portableio.c 53: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 frontend/portableio.c 57: Unable to open include file 'math.h'
Error E2209 frontend/portableio.h 79: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 87: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 88: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 89: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 90: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 91: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 92: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 93: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 94: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 95: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 96: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 97: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 98: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 99: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 100: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 101: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 102: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 103: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 104: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 105: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 106: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 107: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 108: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2228 frontend/portableio.h 108: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 frontend/timestatus.c 41: Unable to open include file 'assert.h'
Error E2209 frontend/timestatus.c 42: Unable to open include file 'time.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2209 frontend/get_audio.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2141 frontend/get_audio.h 42: Declaration syntax error
Error E2147 frontend/get_audio.h 47: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2303 frontend/get_audio.h 62: Type name expected
Error E2209 frontend/portableio.h 79: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 87: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 88: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 89: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 90: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 91: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 92: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 93: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 94: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 95: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 96: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 97: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 frontend/portableio.h 98: 'FILE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2228 frontend/portableio.h 98: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 frontend/main.c 29: Unable to open include file 'assert.h'
Error E2209 frontend/main.c 30: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 frontend/main.c 33: Unable to open include file 'stdlib.h'
Error E2209 frontend/main.c 34: Unable to open include file 'string.h'
Error E2209 frontend/main.c 48: Unable to open include file 'fcntl.h'
Error E2209 frontend/main.c 52: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 26: Unable to open include file 'stdio.h'
Error E2209 include\lame.h 27: Unable to open include file 'stdarg.h'
Error E2303 include\lame.h 253: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 255: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 257: Type name expected
Error E2303 include\lame.h 784: Type name expected
Error E2209 frontend/brhist.h 26: Unable to open include file 'windows.h'
Error E2139 frontend/brhist.h 36: Declaration missing ;
Error E2238 frontend/brhist.h 37: Multiple declaration for 'FILE'
Error E2344 frontend/brhist.h 36: Earlier declaration of 'FILE'
Error E2139 frontend/brhist.h 37: Declaration missing ;
Error E2238 frontend/brhist.h 38: Multiple declaration for 'FILE'
Error E2344 frontend/brhist.h 36: Earlier declaration of 'FILE'
Error E2139 frontend/brhist.h 38: Declaration missing ;
Error E2139 frontend/brhist.h 40: Declaration missing ;
Error E2303 frontend/parse.h 2: Type name expected
Error E2303 frontend/parse.h 3: Type name expected
Error E2303 frontend/parse.h 4: Type name expected
Error E2303 frontend/parse.h 5: Type name expected
Error E2228 frontend/parse.h 5: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***
Error E2194: Could not find file 'frontend/main.obj'
Error E2194: Could not find file 'frontend/brhist.obj'
Error E2194: Could not find file 'frontend/get_audio.obj'
Error E2194: Could not find file 'frontend/lametime.obj'
Error E2194: Could not find file 'frontend/parse.obj'
Error E2194: Could not find file 'frontend/portableio.obj'
Error E2194: Could not find file 'frontend/timestatus.obj'

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