On Die, 23 Mär 1999, you wrote: / Am Die, 23 Mär 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Remi..i too am a newbie....trying to install Linux...I bought it off e-bay
> and had no manual with it...my question is how do I set my cd rom drivers
> for use under dos to do an install??? I am using sytem commander.

Hi Shane,
you may boot directly from the CD. You have to change your BIOS boot
settings for this:
- press the 'delete' key during the start-up of your computer.
- go for 'BIOS Features Setup'
- change 'Boot Sequence', so that CDROM is first.
- save to CMOS (press key F10), confirm.
Your machine will reboot. Insert the CDROM while memory check. This is
actually the tricky part: if your CD drive is too slow or to fast, BIOS
may not find the CDs boot sector, if so, try again ;-).


"The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum." (Finagle's Law)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

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