     Had the same problem here and fixed it by the following:

1. Change PAP to Script.. 
2. Make a Script with only the following:
                                      Expect  ogin:  # notice no L in login #
                                      Send    <your_login_name>
                                      Expect  word:  # notice no pass in password #
                                      Send    <your_password>

Please notice the : after the words ogin and word.
That should do it, worked for me and haven't had the errors since. 
Good luck,


On Tue, 23 Mar 1999 14:43:20 +0000, Nick Kay wrote:

>Hi All,
>       I cannot connect to my ISP using Kppp - I get a connect then a timeout
>sending Config-Requests and then pppd dies "unexpectedly". It's really
>me as I've had this puppy working fine before (1.0) and I've used ppp to
>to the same ISP for years. I was using PAP up to now, but as part of the
>debug I
>set kppp for terminal authentication - now kppp logs on OK but I have to give
>a carriage return in order to get the login: prompt from the ISP. Would some 
>kind soul tell me how I can get kppp to give out CR after getting CONNECT to
>solve this?  I'd really like to just use PAP.

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