On Die, 23 Mär 1999, you wrote: / Am Die, 23 Mär 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Hello to all, bare with me I am new to the list.
> I have recently installed Festen 5.3 and have installed it with no
> problem.  I downloaded the kernel updates from the main ftp site in rpm
> form.  All of them install until I get to the "kernel-headers" rpm and it
> will not install.  The odd thing is that it gives no failed dependencies,
> it just says "error: kernel-headers cannot be installed".  I have even
> tried to do a force install (rpm -i --force)...  Any ideas??  All
> suggestions are appreciated.
> Mitch

Maybe your header-package got damaged.
Add the -vv option (i.e. rpm -ivv etc.). This will turn on debugging mode,
which will tell you more.


"The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum." (Finagle's Law)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

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