Tom McCurdy wrote:
> How do I change my machine name?

I'm sure that there's probably an easy way to do it under LinuxConf, but
I can't say that I really LIKE the thing, so I don't know what it is.

But, you can change the hostname like this:

1) Edit /etc/HOSTNAME and fill in the name that you'd like.
2) Edit /etc/sysconfig/network and modify the HOSTNAME= line to the same
thing as above.
3) Edit /etc/hosts and add the new hostname to the line. 
It'll end up looking something like this:       <New hostname>  <new short name> localhost.localdomain

The <new hostname> should be a FQDN (fully qualified domain name),
something like  'tippy' is the hostname, '' is
the domain name.  You'll want the hostname part where <new short name>
is above.

> I have installed secure shell and it works fine but I want to add the secure
> shell directory into my path so I can run it anywhere from the command line.  I
> have tried setting the path but everytime I change it and I exit the shell it
> goes back to what it was.  How do I go about changing the path and then making
> sure that it stays what I set it to (I am doing this as the root user just in
> case that makes a difference.)  I keep making changes to my settings only to
> find them restored to default when I return.

Want that path to be available for all users?  Then add it to the PATH=
statement in /etc/profile.

Want that to be just for you?  Then add it to the PATH= statement in

> How can I create a user account that will give me all of the functionality of
> the root user without having to run under root all the time?

The obvious question is why?  Unix is built to protect the system from
user mistakes by only giving them permission to destroy their own
files.  By creating a user that is root but without the fancy username
you're getting into bad habits.  On top of that, you've quite possibly
removed the prevention of a direct root login from telnet (dunno whether
it checks username of UID/GID, anyone know?).  The root account is there
for a reason.  If you find that you're using the root account of alot of
things, rethink what you're doing... there's probably a better way.

Now, apart from the lecture, you can do it by modifying /etc/password
and setting the first two numbers to 0:0, so the line will look
something like this:

luseruser:Xyah383223:0:0:Luser User:/home/luseruser:/bin/bash


Steve Philp

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