PJ : Biztech wrote:
> Trying to configure the httpd.conf file for the user and group for it to
> run under. for Mandrake 5.3 ( of course )
>   Just about any one I use will allow the "root" or default page to run,
> but when I try to view users pages.   host.com/~user  I get the error
> Forbidden
> You don't have permission to access /~user on this server.
>   Which group is the proper one?

It's Mandrake's crappy user/group setup (well, actually RedHat is to
blame for it, Mandrake just went along for the ride).

Check the permissions on your home directory.  They're probably
something like:

        drwx------  12 lschultz lschultz     1024 Mar 24 21:56 lschultz

Use the command:

        chmod go+rx <directory name>

Retry loading the webpage.  Should work now...

Steve Philp

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