After i installed Mandrake
I setup the Graphic login screen so it would always startx without typing
anything. Not only was it better looking than the bird, but it also hid most of
what make my wife shake her head at. She liked it alot more after i changed it
and to my surprise was really getting into it.  

I updated the kernel to 2.2.3-1 . but now i can't fiugure out how to get the
login back. 

Here's how I did it the first time. This is right out of the Redhat 5.1 book
As root I logged in. 
I typed: /sbin/telinit 5  to test it to make sure my system was setup right to
run it..
After I got the new login screen I . logged in and edited the /etc/inittab file
changing the line:

I never got past the test since I updated. I also found this in the bottom of
the inittab file.

# Run xdm in runlevel 5
# xdm is now a separate service
#x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/X11/xdm -nodaemon

Any ideas???
Steven G

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