G_REEPER wrote:
>  After i installed Mandrake
> I setup the Graphic login screen so it would always startx without typing
> anything. Not only was it better looking than the bird, but it also hid most of
> what make my wife shake her head at. She liked it alot more after i changed it
> and to my surprise was really getting into it.
> I updated the kernel to 2.2.3-1 . but now i can't fiugure out how to get the
> login back.
> Here's how I did it the first time. This is right out of the Redhat 5.1 book
> As root I logged in.
> I typed: /sbin/telinit 5  to test it to make sure my system was setup right to
> run it..
> After I got the new login screen I . logged in and edited the /etc/inittab file
> changing the line:
> id:3:initdefaulf:
> to
> id:5:initefault:
> I never got past the test since I updated. I also found this in the bottom of
> the inittab file.
> # Run xdm in runlevel 5
> # xdm is now a separate service
> #x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/X11/xdm -nodaemon

One, edit the id: line and put the 'd' back in there! (just a typo in
this message?)

Two, take the '#' out of the x: line... 

Should fix it right up.

Steve Philp

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