>From: "Paul A. Bernicchi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [newbie] It Works!!
>Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 15:11:42 -0500
>Point of information, Arnold --
>I've heard that Linux Mandrake isn't too stable (at this point) when it
>comes to setting inittab runlevel to 5 and using xdm/kdm.  My 
experience is
>that since I have a way nonstandard video card (Voodoo Banshee), 
>into xdm causes an infinite loop.  The only way to fix this is to boot 
>single-user mode and edit the inittab back to the default runlevel (2?)
>Gael assures us this will be addressed soon  ;)  Good luck if you can 
>it off!

The default runlevel is 3. :)  Well, I don't know about problems with 
using kdm.  I only tried it once and then decided not to use it simply 
because it was too slow on my system (486DX2-66 w/32 meg of ram).  I 
kinda like the logon screen anyway! :)

I have to say though, being a now converted user of Caldera OpenLinux, 
that Mandrake as it is, is one of the better distributions of Linux.  
I'm sure that it'll only improve from here.

Arnold :)

Does anyone know of another version of Linux that has a downloadeable 
ISO image?  This was one of the deciding factors in me trying out 
Mandrake.  I've got cable modem access at work, so it was easy for me to 
download the file and then burn it to a cd. :)
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