Bob Bonifield wrote:
> Please fucking scan your computer for virus'.  You have Happy99.exe
> bullshit...get norton or mcaffe and fix it...

Think you could step back from the keyboard for a minute or two and take
a deep breath before posting a useless message like this again?  Neither
Linux, nor this mailing list are worth the kind of attention you paid
this thread.

Please remember that the people subscribed to this list are NEWBIES. 
For the most part, they're still nervous about even touching their toes
into the water, yet you're running up behind them and shoving them into
the lake like a bully at a summer camp.  

Think about your behavior.  You want to be part of the Linux community? 
Then CONSIDER the things you're going to say before you post them for
the entire world to read.  Be an ambassador of the kind of cooperation
and sharing that formed this community.  Yelling at new users is NOT the
way to GET new users.

Please, think.

Steve Philp

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