At 09:09 06/04/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi, everybody!
>According to materials I read, one of the great things about Linux is that
>it does not need to be rebooted in order to apply configuration changes.
>Stopping and restarting the affected services is adequate. Can you tell me
>how to do it? What should I type to stop and restart services like httpd,
>smbd, etc.

To do it from the command line, cd to /etc/rc.d/init.d where you'll find
a bunch of shell scripts called http, smb, network and so on.  To stop 
the httpd, for example, use " ./httpd stop". To start it do "./httpd start"
and to just reload it after a config change do "./httpd restart". ( Of course
you can use "/etc/rc.d/init/d/httpd restart" from anywhere in the system).



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