I'm having problems trying to setup XFree86 with my RivaTNT board.

First of all, I can't find any specific RAMDAC specs for my board other than
the 250mhz, and I'm unsure about some of the other video settings.

Once I have configured XFree86 with all of the information I'm sure about,
or, at least, I think I'm sure about, and I run x windows, it goes into
320x400 mode and won't allow me to swich modes (crt + alt + '+'?).

Finaly when I give up trying to do anything in 320x400, I close the program
and return to the command prompt and see that when I booted x windows there
was an error recognizing the Nvidia TNT PCI chip set.

I'm sorry if I haven't been able to provide enough information for anyone to
help me, but if anyone has anything helpful or just fun to say, I'd
appreciate it.


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