attached is a copy of e-mail i have sent to sydney linux users group.
can anyone help me?
    i've just installed linux mandrake on my pc.  i installed it on a OS free HD and during the install the following processes failed:
- kivrc
- ncurses-devel
- qt
- tetex
 the error message was the same : unpacking on archive failed on file (null):3: Bad file descriptor
after the installation and reboot i wanted to start X and i used Xconfigurator to set up my monitor, which comes under Custom. I got my settings from the acompanied documentation with the monitor but regardless of the configuration i set, it will not start x - of course i type in startx and press enter.
what happens is that x description lines appear on screen, the grey screen with X appears and then goes back to black screen with all those lines.  i got error no 111
xinit connection refused : unable to connect to X server
any help would be appreciated.
p.s. are any of above services vital or causing the x problems?

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