Fabio Coatti wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 29, 1998 at 09:37:48PM +1100, vladimir rakic wrote:
> >     i've just installed linux mandrake on my pc.  i installed it on a OS free HD 
>and during the install the following processes failed:
> >
> > - kivrc
> > - ncurses-devel
> > - qt
> > - tetex
> >
> >  the error message was the same : unpacking on archive failed on file (null):3: 
>Bad file descriptor
> >
> Maybe some files have been corrupted. try a rpm -K filename.rpm to
> check the md5 signatures of the files.

I got the same probleme with a CD-R on a high speed CD-Rom reader : the CD-Rom reader 
do not read well the the CD-R. I don't know if it's
possible to get a lower speed on the CD-Rom reader.


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