> [more garbage]
> Őr~[root@localhost /root]# lsmod
> Module         Pages    Used by
> ppp                5            0 (autoclean)
> slhc               2    [ppp]   0 (autoclean)
> nls_cp437          1            1 (autoclean)
> [root@localhost /root]#
> What are slhc and nls_cp437?

Well, nls is a national character set, for slhc I don't know.

> Anyway, I guess PPP is OK (or isn't it?). Unless there is something else that I am
> missing, I should be able to focus on the modem now and get that working. Then I can
> come back to ppp if things still do not work. Does the above look OK to anyone?

Modules seems to be OK. First of all check your pppd configuration.

Fabio Coatti                    http://felix.unife.it/~cova     
Ferrara Linux Users Group       http://flug.unife.it
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