> Hello
>  I have installed 5.3 all went well! And as a Linux/unix newbie It was
> the easiest install of an os i have ever done. I for now only have 2
> problems, I can't telnet (as user not as root:)) nor can i log on via
> ftp....  I can do both however as long as i am on my wan/lan. The
> problem only shows up when i try it from another account (dial in) and
> try to telnet or ftp to my machine. I suspect its something in ipfadm or
> ipfw?  I have looked and read any/all faqs etc since sunday but still no
> luck. Im sure i have missed something simple But just cant seem to get
> it yet!
> DJ

 P.S. I have no error messages when people cant log on.....

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