On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Vavruska Jindrich wrote:

> When it starts compiling sound files (.../sound). Sound configuration
> also does not work, obviously it has the same reason.
> I copied sound configuration defs from 2.0.35 to .config (to complete
> the configuration manually) an then started make dep && make clean &&
> make zImage && make modules. It ended with an error while compiling the
> sound things.

        You cannot just copy your old 2.0.35 .config file into 2.0.36 and
recompile. Too many things are changed, especially in sond configuration
(in 2.0.36 there are OSS/Free sound modules and misc stuff).

Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem...

Mauro Tortonesi             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ferrara Linux User Group    http://flug.unife.it

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