dan riebs wrote:
>  Let's see, I've gotten through the part where I use the Linux version
> of FDISK, which insists on changing the boot sector of my Windows 98
> drive, refusing to load on the D: drive I installed specifically for
> Linux.

Linux, by default, installs a program called LILO which will allow you
to boot into either Windows or Linux.  You'll probably want to install
LILO into the MBR and tell it to allow you to boot either Windows or
Linux (it will do this by default during the installation).  When
booting, you'll get a prompt that says "LILO: ".  Type 'dos' to start
Windows, or 'linux' (or just enter) to start Linux.
> I've gotten through the part where the root directory name doesn't just
> start with "/", the only name it can have is "/". (You should make that
> alot more clear in the diagnostics during setup.)

The root partition is ALWAYS "/".  Everything else hangs off this
directory (just like the root of a DOS drive is C:, D:, etc.)  The
difference being that in Unix, directories that are under the root could
be darn near anywhere (another drive, a distant machine, and so on).  
> Now I've gotten Linux-Mandrake 5.3 to load exclusively on my /hdb/, and
> it loads when I boot with a Linux boot diskette. I even remember my
> password.
> What do I use for a login? I don't remember being asked for a login
> name, and now I can't get into the system without one.

After installation, the only account that exists is "root".  So, use
"root" for a login name, the remembered password for that prompt, and
you'll be logged in.  The first thing you'll probably want to do is
create a normal user for everyday use.  So, after logging in, use the

        adduser <name>

                ** <name> will be what you want the login name to be.

        passwd <name>
                ** it will ask you to enter the desired password twice.

Now exit, and login as your new user and enjoy!

Steve Philp

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