Ooops, I did have it set to 1280x1024x32bpp, but I got tired of looking at
little bitty things on my 17-inch monitor (remember when that was a BIG
screen?), so changed it.  But, honest, I DID have it set for 1280 for a
while.  :-)

(damn, how did my real name end up on that last post? argh)

At 06:18 AM 1999-03-16 +0800, you wrote:
>Thanks Gary. But I could have sworn you wrote 1280x1024 in 32 bit...must
be the
>coffee :-)
>I'll go check my XF86Config again...there must be a way to go 1280x1024 at 32
>bit...this thing has 16MB after all...

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