Hello all,

I think there's something wrong with the Mandrake install program. (or
it could have been carried over from RedHat's, I don't know)
Here's what happened:

I had to install on a 2.1 GB HDD. I partitioned it thus:
100MB - /
800MB - /usr*
800MB - /home*
100MB - /tmp
32MB - swap

the * partitions were growable so they took up the slack leftover from
the swap allocation.
I chose only about 416MB worth of apps and utils.

Thing is...somewhere around the middle of the rpm installation (you
know, the one with the progress bars)
it stopped and gave me some weird error about no space for database or
something...I continued anyway and it gave me the same error for each
At some point later on, it says no more space or something. What gives?
Does / partition need more than 100MB?

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

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