i have the VIA MVP3 chipset and yes it can be a nightmare. you have 
to go the fic site and get the upgrades for the chipset. then it 
works like a charm. the mobo i have if the fic pa2013

if you have win95 you have to go to amd's site and get the patch for 
win95. it's not the mobo its the os <g>
the url is


i think that's right


On  7 Apr 99 at 21:07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > I also have another question; I'm planning to install Linux on another machine
> > with the VIA MVP3 chipset. This particular chipset is a nightmare come true
> > under Windoze98, every pci device conflicts... Does anyone know if it
> > causes some problem under Linux?? thanks,
> > 
> > Guillermo
> > 
> This chipset is a nightmare under windoze too?  I just upgraded my
> mb to one with this chipset (the old one had an AMD 640) so I could
> use an AGP videocard.  After the upgrade, I'm having lots of scsi
> problems.  Maybe this is the root of my problems.

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