> i chose the custom install <couldn't help myself>

heh, neither could I...

> i edited my xf86config for my diamond speedstar A50.

This is what might be causing the weirdness of your X desktop.

> dealing with hardware and troubleshooting, i never even saw a com5.

They exist alright. There are serial port cards that extend your com ports to 8
or more. Normally only used for control work...not normally used by 'normal'
people. :-)

> now that's the good part, part two is i still have a funny looking
> kde desktop, it's still all black with a few of whatever is supposed
> to be on it visible. any suggestions on that <g>. stop groaning
> folks.  i'm really not a pain and i will be able to contribute in the
> near future.
> denise

Give yourself a pat on the back for your sheer doggedness in pursuing the
problem...ever considered some real hacking? ;-)

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

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