----- Original Message -----
From: Nick Kay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 12, 1999 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Formatting problems

> At 09:45 12/04/99 -0400, you wrote:
> >I'm trying to install Mandrake 5.3 on a Pentium II 200 with two 4 gig
> >hard drives connected to an Adaptec 2940. I would like to install linux
> >the second hard drive (sdb). However, during a Custom install, after I
> >select the partioning I want (600mb root, 128mb swap, the rest as /usr),
> >the packages I want installed, linux hangs with the following message:
> >
> >Making ext2 filesystem on /dev/sdb1...
> >
> >
> >Can anyone please help me format my drive and install linux.
> >
> >kevin
> >
> Can you do a low-level format of the drives from within
> the Adaptec bios?
> Is the termination correct?
> Do you have active termination?
> There may be other messages on some of the other
> virtual screens - hit ALT F[2345] to see them.
> May the fish be with you.
> nick@nexnix
 I dont know if it means anything but i coudnt get linux to install on my
6.4 gb as a primary slavr...my zip was the master...sounds like the same
thing only different...due to scsi....i got basically the same error 'cept
it was something like /dev/hdb5... try switching it to the first drive

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