From: James J. Capone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Is it worth it. Does it work. I want to know before I D/L it and
install it
>on my system. If you have any experience with it Please Let me know.

    Is it worth it?  Well, now "it" is free (until it's out of beta), so
it sure is.  Is it worth $300?  Much more difficult choice.  Does it
work? Yesterday afternoon, I installed it on my Linux box, and I had
WinNT 4.0 Workstation running within about 90 minutes or so.  It works
great!  The display is a bit slower than stock NT (but I'm running it in
a window, not full-screen).

    It would be nice if it supported raw SCSI partitions (only IDE will
be supported in v1.0).  It would also be nice if it supported BeOS.

    I haven't yet installed Win98 and WfG to try to network them with
the virtual NT machine, but I will soon, I think.

    Anybody have a "Samba for Dummies" doc?  I'm sure I'm missing
something pretty basic here, but all the documentation I've seen for
Samba is at a higher level that I know what to do with.

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