  It is worth the download to play with it but if want it to play win95/98
games supporting directx or direct draw you are out of luck the current version
of vmware does not fully support directx or direct draw. It will run anything
else in windows or dos except those which require univibe vesa drivers in dos
window. All of these functions will be fully supported in the final release and
maybe in some future beta releases. Hope this Helps!

"James J. Capone" wrote:

> Is it worth it. Does it work. I want to know before I D/L it and install it
> on my system. If you have any experience with it Please Let me know. Thanks
> ________________________________________
> James J. Capone
> Webmaster http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/Linux
> Asst. Webmaster http://www.ptm.com
> "Even Common People Can Attain Uncommon Results!"

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