On Sat, Apr 17, 1999 at 09:25:50AM -0400, Robert Weider wrote:
> > 
> > On Fri, Apr 16, 1999 at 08:39:09PM -0400, ndk  | Ralph | wrote:
> > > Hello All,
> > > I have a new box and was wondering what is a good agp vidieo card that
> > > will work with Linux? Can anyone help? I use a virge now with 4mb ram and I
> > > need more.
> > 
> > I can recommend the Matrox G200 AGP cards.  I'm using the 8M SDRAM model
> > here and I've been extremely happy with it.  Matrox recently released
> > programming information for the cards also, so support a company that
> > supports Open Source/Free Software/whatever-the-term-of-the-day-is.
> > 
> > --
> > Steve Philp
> That is a very good point about the open source cards, currently I have
> been using the i740 clone chipset video card, 8 megs ram, with the
> binary driver. But I see after visiting Red Hats site that intel open
> sourced the binary driver.  With the current cost on www.pricewatch.com
> at about $37.oo US I don't think you can beat this card.

Be careful with the i740 cards, though.  They have a really hard time
working well on non-Intel motherboard chipsets.  I know they're all but
forbidden on my FIC 503+ (VIA MVP3 chipset) board.  If you do end up buying
one, make sure you can return it if there's problems!

Steve Philp

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