At 06:44 PM 4/29/99 -0400, you wrote:
>On Thu, 29 Apr 1999, you wrote:
>> I plan on installing linux here in a few days, and with installing I
plan on
>> buying a new modem.  I was wondering which is the fastest/best?  Anybody
>> have any good experiences with some modems?  I am currently using Earthlink
>> as my ISP.  Thanks...
>> -soco
>I have a USR Courier v.everything that I've been using for several
>years under different OSs and it has been absolutely bullet-proof.

Not to start a "my modem is better than your modem" war, but a tidbit of
info, I've personally experienced to bring home the point, "Top of the Line"
does not always equate to "best performance".

I too, have a Courier v.everything External, which has performed flawlessly
over the years,
upgraded it from 33.6K to X2 to v.90 and always received sustained close to
if not
maximum connections rates, which I always thought would be the best I would
get given
line conditions, until one day I had a friends computer over performing
some upgrades,
fired up his modem "Internal USR Sportster 56K ISA FaxModem" and lo and
behold, better
connection rates (sustained) over the same phone lines. Go figure!

Stefan Dozier

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