Well, First of all I would like to thank all in this group who have
helped me over the past few weeks. With your help I have been able to
successfully install and configure my first Linux Box. (P-133, 24 MB
Ram, 1.2 GB Hard Drive, 56k Modem, Ess 1688 Soundcard, etc.) Not to bad
for a total newbie to Linux. Up to the point that I ordered my first
version of Linux (Mandrake 5.3) about a month ago, I hadn't even seen a
maching running Linux, much less used it myself. Now I am able to surf
the 'Net and all the other fun stuff I used to be able to do only on a
machine running "That Other (much more inferior) OS". Well, I am now at
the last step in my quest for the perfect Linux PC. I need to get this
PC up and running on my home network. I have two other PCs (both running
Win '98) and they are already running on a network. What I need to do is
to get my Linux machine up on the existing network, and I haven't got a
clue where to start. I have read several of the how-to documents and
they are pretty much over my head when it comes to networking stuff. I
also don't recall any of them mentioning a Hub. They all seem to speak
to the user like the PC He or She is configurig is going up on the 'Net
as a server. Any help on what to do first or just point me in the right
direction as far as which HowTo would be greatly appreciated.

                                                Getting There,

Adam Wright

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