Original Message: from Birchall, Richard Subject - RE: [newbie] Different Resoltions, 
No Virtual Desktop Size
> >She likes her screen resolution to be 1280x1024 (which
> >operates at 60Hz on this monitor) while I like mine at 1024x768
> >(about 72Hz here).  This isn't a problem in itself, as I can easily
> >change resolutions, using the Ctrl-Alt-+ (or -).  However, then I
> >get the desktop-larger-than-my-screen effect, of which I am not a
> >big fan.
> Just disable the virtual desktop ?
> Open /etc/X11/XF86Config in a editor as root. At the end of this file there
> is "Section Screen".
> Comment out the "Virtual" line with "#" (without the quotes).

Excerpt from /etc/X11/XF86Config {
Section "Screen"
    Driver      "svga"
    # Use Device "Generic VGA" for Standard VGA 320x200x256
    #Device      "Generic VGA"
    Device      "Diamond Stealth 3D 4000"
    Monitor     "My Monitor"
    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       24
        Modes       "1280x1024" "640x480" "800x600" "1024x768"
        ViewPort    0 0

We have no "Virtual" section.  Neither of us like that "scrolling desktop"
effect, so we answered "no" during setup when it asked if we wanted a desktop
larger than the screen resolution.  The problem arises when X starts up in
1280x1024, and I use Ctrl-Alt-minus to change to 1024x768.  Now the desktop is
larger than the screen.  It appears that X makes the desktop the size of the
largest resolution in the list, and never bothers to recalculate the size of
the desktop to match the size of the screen (but if you're using the largest
size listed, you're in luck!).
So is there a way I can specify that the X-server use my own XF86Config, one
where 1024x768 is the largest size listed?  Or somehow tell it to force the
desktop size to 1024x768 (just for me)?
-Matt Stegman

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