I remember those days well. Had a commodore 64 myself what a joy.

Lyndon Lininger Sr.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Meanie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 08, 1999 9:51 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] MS Linux 98 is out!!!!!!

> Heh.  Filesystem GUIs were around long before OS/2 or MacOS, though they
> were significantly less complex.  Anyone remember GeOS for the Commodore
> 64/128 by Berkeley Softworks?  Shockingly similar to early versions of
> MacOS.  This was even before the days of mice (mouses?) and you had to
> maneuver around your "desktop" with a joystick.  Eventually Commodore
> mice came along, and unless my memory is fading they were among the very
> first on the market.  IBM users were relegated to 286 and eventually 386
> machines and old IBM and MS-Dos, usually with the now forgotten "green
> screen" monochrome displays or, if you were _really_ lucky an EGA or CGA
> display.  Hehe... man, those were the days.
> Off topic?  Well, yeah... sorry.
> --
> Meanie

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