On 13 May, turgut kalfaoglu wrote:
> Hi there.. The email program that comes with Mandrake seems limited to me; I dont 
> see the same neat features that I was used to from PMMAIL (filters, exits, etc.).. I 
> wondering if there was a more powerful, GUI-based alternative?
> Thanks, -turgut
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]      - Put "Send PGP" in Subject to obtain my PGP signature.
> Find-It! Web Search Engine:  http://find.egenet.com.tr
> http://bbsturk.bbs.tr
> Windows Error 021: Windows loading, come back tomorrow.
As a Windows convert I have found TKRat worksgreat as a graphical mail
reader.  I use fetchmail and procmail to pull and sort the mail and
TKRat to view it. I use the versions of fetch and proc that are
installed with the Mandrake install and TKRat is at 
http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/~maf/ratatosk/ . It has the ability to send
your mail or you can direct it to use an external program if you desire.
For help setting up the filters try
ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/mail/filtering-faq .
Robert Sheskin
ICQ: 5788323
AIM: RobertLS

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