I have seen various messages on this list about updating the kernel so I
thought I would share my experiences. IMHO, the easiest way is to use the
RPMs built by Mandrake from

I downloaded kernel-2.2.5-5mdk.i386 and kernel-headers-2.2.5-5mdk.i386 into
a directory I created on my hard drive. I checked both by changing to the
directory I downloaded them to and using the command:

rpm -K --nopgp *rpm

Both should return a "size md5 ok" . I then installed both of them using the

rpm -ivh kernel-2.2.5-5mdk.i386
rpm -ivh kernel-headers-2.2.5-5mdk.i386

This automatically installed a directory in /usr/src called
2.2.5-mdk and a file in /boot called vmlinuz-2.2.5-5mdk.

I then downloaded all the file updates from:

and checked them using the same command as before then installed them using:

rpm -Uvh *.rpm

I then edited my /etc/lilo.conf file to add the following lines right after
the "timeout=50" line:

      root=/dev/hda(whatever your boot partition is)

I then issued the command /sbin/lilo and received confirmation that "new"
had been added. It should be noted that I do not boot from a SCSI disk so I
do not need a "initrd=...." line in my lilo.conf file. I then rebooted and
selected "new" at the LILO boot prompt and booted a preconfigured kernel.

If you want to recompile the preconfigured kernel, you must also download
and install
kernel-source-2.2.5-5mdk.i386.rpm. If you do not have pgcc installed as your
compiler, you need to make the changes listed at:


There are also various fixes for post kernel installation problems found

YMMV and corrections to my method encouraged,



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