Dan Brown wrote:
> Obrag Aterg wrote:
> > I have tried, and ping returns a message saying it can't find the host (eg.
> > www.netscape.com).
> > The thing is, my ISP don't have a given DNS: what now?
>         That's most likely the problem.  Try pinging (yahoo.com)
> to see if that goes through.  Your ISP must have DNS servers; are you
> saying they won't tell you what their addresses are?  You _could_ set up
> your Linux box as a primary DNS server, but that sounds a little
> extreme...

It's pretty easy to setup.  Just install the bind and caching-nameserver
packages.  Edit /etc/resolv.conf to read "nameserver" and
start named with "/etc/rc.d/init.d/named start" and you're your own DNS
server!  No maintenance, no fuss!

Steve Philp

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