if you think that your attitude will help you are wrong. Go on sending
high volumes of mail if that makes you feel better ;o)

Just that if you took some initiative and went to the mandrake homepage
(http://www.linux-mandrake.com) and had a look around (specialy in the
'support' section) you would already been off this list.

Get a life man!

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip W. Huff
Sent: 6/2/99 5:17 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 6.0 for Sell Now (GPL)

Okay, I've asked twice and no one will email me regarding how to get off
this list.  I will commense in sending an extremely high amount of
emails to
this screen name if I don't get any assistance.  I hate to be so brash,
maybe we all can sympathize a little better when an unwanted email
into your mail box every 5 minutes.

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