At 20:47 01.06.99 -0700, you wrote:
>Okay, I've asked twice and no one will email me regarding how to get off
>this list.  I will commense in sending an extremely high amount of emails to
>this screen name if I don't get any assistance.  I hate to be so brash, but
>maybe we all can sympathize a little better when an unwanted email creeps
>into your mail box every 5 minutes.
Everyone who subscribes, get the following message. And this should be read
because it`s information.
Wilhelm Koch

Welcome to the newbie mailing list!

Please save this message for future reference.  Thank you.

If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list,
you can send mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with the following
command in the body of your email message:

    unsubscribe newbie

or from another account, besides "your@email"

    unsubscribe newbie "your@email"

If you ever need to get in contact with the owner of the list,
(if you have trouble unsubscribing, or have questions about the
list itself) send email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> .
This is the general rule for most mailing lists when you need
to contact a human.

Here's the general information for the list you've subscribed to,
in case you don't already have it:
 Wilhelm Koch                     
 ZID TU-WIEN, Abteilung Kommunikation 
 Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10/020
 A - 1040 Wien
 Tel.:       +43 (1) 58801-42053
 Fax.:      +43 (1) 58801-42099

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