I use Time Warner Road Runner cable as my ISP.  Under Linux it works just
great.  I use DHCP and run a program called "rrlogin", designed specifically
for Road Runner, that let's me "log in".

"A.Sleep" wrote:

> Jose Alberto Abreu wrote:
> > I am interested on getting connected with the only (for the moment)
> > cable internet provider in Mexico. They include the requirements for
> > their system on their homepage, but this covers only Mac and Win (not
> > surprisingly)... But I think some people on this list connect with a
> > cable modem, so I was wondering if there was a workaround here...
> There isn't a 'workaround'. I had Windows and Linux installed when I got
> mine. I let them do their stuff in Windows then rebooted (after they
> left) and set it up in Linux. All the info you need you'll ge able to
> get from winipcfg or the 'Network Info' page - if the ISP offers one.
> It works about 10x faster in Linux.
> </A.Sleep>

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