hey i run nearly the same specs as you but using 5.3ver. so far a minor internet problem but that's it. i run system commander to boot other OS's even. so advice from someone just as a beginner as yourself: switch to 5.3. you'll learn more faster, just in time for all the bugs to be worked out of the new ver6. that's my word.
----- Original Message -----
From: Bad Mojo
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 11:42 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] how to run fsck manually

Sorry to hear about your problem(s). My advice would be to reinstall
linux. Format your partitions that you are going to use for it and have
it check for errors. If it stalls out on you again, then there are some
problems for sure. You should be able to have it back up and running
within an hour.

John Brack
Belly Entertainment

--Original Message Text---
From: Jimmy Garcia
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 11:11:15 +0800

After getting Linux-Mandrake 6.0 installed and running, I tried to logout and it stalled. When I rebooted the computer, It ran fsck and came up with a bunch of error messages that I can't remember. At the end it told me I should run 'fsck manually'. Can someone teach me how to run this? or point me to a very NON-technical website for a complete newbie?

And, while I was in KDE of mandrake 6.0, it ran VERY slow, It kept accessing my hard drive. I have a 3Gig partition for Linux, and a 200MB partition for my swap file. I'm running a 300a @ 450, have a TNT card, and 128MB ram.

So far Linux has been far more complicated than I thought it would be, BUT i've read so many great things about it and want to give it a good try before I give up.


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